Life as it ain't

"I'm not really from outer space. I'm just mentally divergent."

Why post-modernists have better sex (and other such post-post-modernist felonies)

Posted by Ronak M Soni on July 1, 2010

[Health Warning] I won’t say why it’s here though, just so that curiosity can kill you, CAT!

“Mwuha hahaha,” he’d said, as if all his actions had been just “evil,” not really evil.

Here we had a young man — a boy even — who wished to be taken seriously. What do you suggest we do with him? Hah, yes, a good suggestion, sir, and very good you whispered it to me! And what do you, sir, suggest? Yes, you, you brainless victim of modernity who purports to be a reader!

Mwuha hahaha. Mwuha HAHAHA! “Mwuha hahaha” was the scourge of the earth, “mwuha hahaha” was why post-modernists had better sex…

“You are a post-modernist, fuck-ass,” said he, coming in.

Me? No I’m a post-post-modernist!

At this point, I suggest we zoom out of the (deliberately engrossing) dialogue and have a look at our movement-ridden [prot]agonist. Well, here he is, a smile across his face, his arms spread and his eyes closed, what with the fright that would show otherwise.

“Reverse reverse psychology is still a type of reverse psychology.”

Post- is not a negatory suffix, you … YOU!

“Yea, you guys deserve to be called non-nodernists anyway.”

Seriously, you need to right now stop fucking around with ‘n’s and ‘m’s.

“What? Dostoevsky did it!”

No, he nicknamed …

“I can hear your thoughts, you lifeless turd.”

Only when I articulate them.

Right? Right?

He smiled, “.”

But how is it possible to hear what is not in words?

Again, let us zoom out, and look at the face of a man contemplating the idea of perfect communication… while I go out for a coffee.

4 Responses to “Why post-modernists have better sex (and other such post-post-modernist felonies)”

  1. S M Rana said

    To be honest it went over my head.

  2. litdreamer said

    I know what you’re doing, but I don’t think anyone needs to be reminded of the inherent failings of post-modern (or post-post-modern) fiction.

    Also, you should post a health warning at the top of the page. 😉

  3. Well, let’s see… while it is true that it started out like LD described it (not quite, it was more about names and labels and other such shenanigans), in its present form, I most prefer to think of it as an interplay of forms. I’m not trying to do anything, except take my reader through a roller-coaster ride of voices and voicing.

    Oh, and LD, the health warning is coming.

  4. Also, LD, I quite like the post-modernists, Dave Eggers and Alan Moore and Italo Calvino and whonot.
    My only problem is with the ones who forget to have fun with their stuff, but that’s true of almost any ‘movement’.

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